to encourage and help businesses start, expand, or move into our region – creating jobs for local people and driving economic activity in local communities.
We are the only two-county industrial development agency in New York State. Like all IDAs, our organization is a State Public Benefit Corporation.
The IDA also own and manage two industrial parks with parcels of varying sizes available for sale or lease.
Although the IDA is not governed by the two counties, nor supported by taxpayer dollars, our volunteer board of directors is appointed by the boards of supervisors of the two counties, with five members from each county. Board members include local business leaders and elected officials. This diverse array of expertise and experience, coupled with our unique bi-county approach to economic development, allows us to look beyond municipal boundaries and focus on assisting projects that will benefit our entire region.
Businesses interested in possible IDA assistance typically begin their discussion with IDA staff who conduct an in-depth analysis of the proposed project and determine whether the project should move forward for board review and a final determination.
The Counties of Warren and Washington IDA is a State Public Benefit Corporation created to promote, develop, encourage and assist in the construction, expansion, and equipping of economically sound industrial and commercial facilities in order to advance the job opportunities, general prosperity, and economic welfare of the citizens of Warren County and Washington County. The Agency’s primary role is to provide financial assistance and incentive to the business community in order to maximize private capital investment in the economy of Warren County and Washington County and to develop opportunities for job creation and job retention within the Counties through the use of its own assets, issuance of industrial development revenue bonds, tax abatement and private investment.
The Industrial Park is located on the border of Warren and Washington Counties in Northeastern New York, adjacent to the Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport, which has a 5,000 feet Instrument Landing System runway.
The park also has municipal water and sewer and 3-phase power available. Most lots are certified Shovel Ready by NYS.
An 80-acre industrial zoned site with concrete tarmac and two manufacturing buildings accessible by road, rail, and canal. The site is served with water and 34.5 KV electrical systems. Sewer connection engineering is underway. The site is expandable with additional 330 undeveloped acres. The site within 3 hours of New York City, Montreal, and Boston.